The Colegio Adventista Nova Esperanca (New Hope Adventist School) in Mahotas, Mozambique began its new school year at the end of January. We received a note from one of the teachers this week saying:
We are well thank God. We are working for the growth of the school. We began the year with forty students, now we have 110 students. Forty-six students belong to first grade. These children have many needs, some of them do not have shoes, clothes, bags, books and notebooks to go to school.
We still have opportunities to sponsor children for this school year. For just $20 per month (or $240 per year), you can provide Christian education for a child in Mozambique.
If you would like to support a child, please mark your tithe envelope "Mozambique Scholarships" or pay through online giving in the Mozambique line. You can also join the "Birthday Club" by sponsoring a child in honor of someone's birthday (cards available at the S.o.S. booth or on the bulletin board display in the S.S.) wing).